Short Bio
I work as Digital Strategy Director. I write novels and plays. To me, basically it's the same thing: delivering solid and engaging stories to key target audiences.
After a career in journalism, I switched to advertising in 2003. Since then I work as a digital strategist for several ad agencies and international brands. Currently, I tour the boardrooms of the world with my Masterclass Storytelling for Brands. Over the years, I have developed a healthy dose of skepticism towards hypes, buzzwords, must-see's and ditto do's. Rather, I prefer strategies that can be summarized in less then 20 words.
I wrote two novels, both of whom were optioned for TV and movie adaptation. ( by Fremantle Media and Warner Bros. International Television Production Nederland BV).
Talks & Speaking Engagements
I am available as a speaker for talks about Storytelling, Advertising, Content Marketing or Writing. If you are interested, please drop me a line.
Previous engagements:
- 67th World News Media Congress, Washington DC, USA
- Ifra/WAN Executive programme, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Nacht van de Content (National Content Night), Zandvoort, The Netherlands
- Schrijvers Binnen (Noordwijk Writers Conference), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
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